Erica Lee


Erica Lee



158cm | 5'2"


English, Hokkien, Mandarin




Singing, Playing Piano & Violin, Swimming, Crocheting Skills: Screen Fighting, Taekwondo, Inline skating (Aggressive skating, Urban skating & Slalom), Dancing (Hip Hop, Modern Jazz, Jazz Funk, Street Jazz & Girls’ Style)

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Erica Lee


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About Erica

Born in 2006, Erica Lee made her debut as one of the 8 main casts in the 2015 SEA Games Opening Ceremony Act 2 - Imagination. An energetic individual with a versatile skill set, Erica has casted in different roles ranging from the Mediacorp series Agents Of Sprawl, Viddsee's Broom Fighters, to commercials for League of Legends, Pizza Hut, Decathlon & McDonald's.

Erica's love towards the entertainment industry has led her to produce her own films & music. To enhance her skills, she commits herself to Drama (Theatre) as her CCA, improves her screen fighting skills at Sandbox Training Ground & Ronin Action Group, and took Music Elective Programme (MEP) as one of her subjects in O Levels (attained the best grade, A1).

Aside from performing arts, Erica does taekwondo and made her way to the Singapore National Team in 2021. She has participated and won in both local & international competitions such as DaeJeon MBC Cup Seocheon International (1st place), Lents Taekwondo (1st place) & Worldwide Sports Online (3rd place).

Erica Lee is proudly represented by FLY Entertainment.

Erica's CV

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